Monthly Meetings


Committee meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 5.30 pm.

Venues and times can change so please call a committee member if you would like to submit an agenda item or attend a committee meeting.


 All members are welcome and encouraged to attend.


The committee meets regularly but as a club we just have monthly functions for people to attend without getting bogged down by details and politics. All financial members can attend committee meetings. AGM’s are a given and general meetings are called when the need arises. For us, time has shown that it is a good way to run a club.



Club Merchandise


Look the part and support your club!


New Polo Shirts $40

Button up shirts $40

Caps $25

Stubbie Coolers $6

Stickers $3

Key Rings $10





To order, please email and include the size and quantity required.

Pick up merchandise from Darwin and surrounds is free. Delivery will incur a fee.